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My name is Carol Johanna,

Owner of Baby Mine Dolls Est 1990.

Formerly known by Carol Owens and Carol Nichols

I can't remember a time when I didn't love dolls! In practically every picture of me as a little girl, I am proudly holding up my favorite doll or paper doll. On Christmas Eve when I went to bed, I could imagine all my dolls coming to life around me as I slept. I would lay in bed and wonder if my requested doll that year would be waiting for me under the tree when I awoke. It was a Magical time! I am sure most of you hold similar magical memories as a child. After a divorce and going back to work for 14 years. I didn't have time to continue my love of dolls. I sold my kiln, my molds and all supplies and went to work. In 2016 my life would start to take a major turn. I lost my 22-year-old son in an accident, and I lost my daughter to an Illness 2 years ago. I am raising my fabulous grandson now who brings me much joy. However, in my grief there was lots of reflection of my life. I returned to my Savior and allowed him to work on my healing. Through this process God has taken me full circle and I have returned to my love of dolls. Here I am once again, returning to what I have always enjoyed most in my life, The love of dolls! My hope is through my love of dolls, I can rekindle your love of them in new ways as I share with you what I have learned along the journey! Enjoy

A quick outline about my doll journey as an adult 

In 1989 I started porcelain dolls making classes where I met my partner in doll crime, Heather Sullivan who was an excellent doll maker and top-notch seamstress. She was/is a master at it!  

We started collaborating with ideas for our doll reproductions. I would make the dolls she would create the outfit and shoes.  

Starting in 1990 we did doll shows together and sold our dolls. I entered different porcelain dolls I had made in every competition I could.

Eventually, I received my masters in porcelain doll making which led to a conversation with Bell Ceramics and Doll Makers Workshop Magazine.

Heather and I started creating dolls to help increase mold sales and we wrote articles on how to reproduce the dolls we created to other doll makers. Our dolls made the cover of the magazine many times. I also have a couple of articles and dolls featured in Doll Crafter Magazine. This was a super rewarding time in my life. 

In 2000 I started to sell dolls on ebay and realized I could purchase my childhood dolls and paper dolls. I remember that elated feeling of opening the box that arrived at my home. It was like a childhood friend coming home. 

I was always very interested in paper dolls as well,

I was always very interested in paper dolls as well, my book Paper Dolls of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s was published in 2005.

I have collected many dolls throughout the years. I am currently collecting artist dolls, and I have been learning painting techniques for modern vinyl dolls.  

I look forward to getting to know more of my fellow doll lovers and providing quality items you are looking to purchase for your own doll collections.

I have collected many dolls throughout the years. I am currently collecting artist dolls, and I have been learning painting techniques for modern vinyl dolls.  

I look forward to getting to know more of my fellow doll lovers and providing quality items you are looking to purchase for your own doll collections.

Happy Dolling, Carol Johanna

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